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There are some 'Frequently Asked Questions' below, and in our help centre. But if you have another question, feel free to send us an email

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can find more help and information in our Help Centre.
Can more than one child use Lingumi?

Yes. You can create extra child profiles for free. Each child can save their progress, have their own name and avatar, and easily switch between devices. Read more on our help site here.

Children & screens - what's your advice?

Screens on their own aren't good or bad - they're a tool that you can use positively or negatively. With Lingumi, we think a lot about screen time. We only open one new lesson each day, which lasts about 10-15 minutes, and we encourage parents to actively play and interact with their children during lessons, to make the experience more social. We asked a neuroscientist from Cambridge University for his opinion, which you can read here on our blog.

Do I need to speak English to use Lingumi with my child?

No - thousands of parents use Lingumi, without speaking English themselves. We still encourage you to play and 'learn' with your child during each lesson: repeat the words and phrases after them, and help them find what to do next, and answer questions. Don't worry about speaking to your child in your native language while playing - it won't confuse them to hear two languages while playing. Here are some more tips in our help centre.

How much does Lingumi cost?

After the free trial period, we do charge for Lingumi (although it's possible to cancel at any time). Like a teacher, or any other type of profession, we charge families to use our products, to help us pay our bills and feed our kids. However, our mission at Lingumi is to make English learning more affordable, more fun, and more effective for kids aged 2-6. After a free trial period, we charge the equivalent in your currency of €8.99 per month. That's less than 1/4 of the cost of an English class.

What is the right age to begin Lingumi?

The answer is, it depends. Every child is different. Our users, from all over the world, begin Lingumi from as young as 20 months, and some start as old as 6 years old. One thing is true for all children: they won't get confused between languages at any age. The theory of 'language confusion' used to be popular 30 years ago, but modern researchers (and parents!) have proven that there's no real truth in that. Here's some more information on which age to start Lingumi.